Thursday, April 21, 2011

Qihu's CEO is smarter than tencent's ?

Qihu wana go to the Nasdaq, but he needs sugestion ,who will help him?

ask somebody for help?

no, he just do some small thing

do something against most Dot comanies in China ,yes ,he did it ,make most American people think it's a big company.yeah,in some ways,it is,but in the other it isn't

Sunday, April 20, 2008

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1 4.18青岛反家乐福18/4 18th April Qingdao / Tsingdao anti Carrefour.

青岛4.19 值得纪念的日子 我们都是中国人都有中国心 这个相册请大家必须顶起来18/4 18th April Qingdao / Tsingdao anti Carrefour. Don't make Chinese angry, we'll make you more angry !! we'll do some thing but not with army!